Sword Of Discernment
Fierce conviction is a trait often used to call a powerful Women something other than, Amazing.
When it comes to alcohol, sometimes you have to take the stance that, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
Before you are able to fully see alcohol from a neutral perspective, you have to confront the story of what is has meant to you, how alcohol has taken much of the POWER, PLEASURE AND PRIVILEGE it is to be a Woman.
Not from a place of shame, but to simply become more AWARE.
It has dismissed the very essence of who you are, Naturally.
How amazing life is, given.
Alcohol created a false sense of freedom and power.
I use to think I was so independent because I could belly up to the bar,
but it wasn't me.
I didn't gain anything.
But it did open my eyes to everything I was missing and neglecting because of it.
That elusive nature of something missing, some deeper sense of satisfaction of life, that you can't quite grasp, that you want alcohol to be, is actually living inside of you. A part of you waiting to be rescued, to be seen and heard, BY YOU.
It's the divine feminine principal that can never fully be seen when alcohol is overshadowing life.
Alcohol creates DISTORTIONS.
These distortions have been agreed upon collectively, such as normalized emotional avoidance.
This is a quality of the Wounded Masculine energy that has dictated our world.
To see something as Neutral, you have to see it for what it is: The Great INVALIDATOR of your emotions.
That is where you get to decide what you make it mean.
Not that alcohol is EVIL, yet, it's not what you have thought it was:
This really great tool to solve problems and make life more fun.
Your Beliefs about alcohol aren't Neutral and the only way to get them there is to RECLAIM YOUR POWER.
Alcohol doesn't make life more fun, you do.
Alcohol doesn't solve problems, you do.
Alcohol doesn't make you look sexier in that dress, you do that all on your own.
Whether it's a person, a drug or another belief system that has kept you out of alignment with the essence of who you are, taking a powerful stance of divine Motherly Love, from all of her aspects as THE CREATOR, THE SUSTAINER AND THE DESTROYER, is required for a REBIRTHING to take place.
You begin to hold yourself in the highest esteem and honor, not alcohol.
You are every woman, you are every archetype.
When you have broken your own heart, or let yourself down, or not stood in your power,
the sword of discernment will help you slice through the illusions that ANYONE or ANYTHING is more powerful that your amazing brain, wise heart and pure soul.
What has alcohol been keeping you from that you are ready to say NO MORE to?
Ready to shine,
Cut through the illusions of everything alcohol can never be, and everything YOU ARE, schedule a complimentary alignment session: HERE